Probabilistic Simulation for QA

Posted on Aug 18, 2022
tl;dr: if you have a problem that is hard to solve analytically try modelling it. This can provide fast and reliable results

How many tests we need to run to be sure that there are no errors introduced because of changes we made? This is the question we are going to answer using probabilistic simulations. Real life example from my work. We did it for TXN backtesting.

What Is TXN Backtesting

TXN stands for Transaction check - which is a monitoring tool that executes several action steps in headless Chrome instance on our check servers. We support 26 different step types (commands and validations) that allows our customers to simulate user flows on their websites to ensure that everything works as expected.

We call backtesting a procedure of checking new versions of our software (or chrome version upgrades) using real clients’ checks (scripts). During this procedure we run checks using old and new versions and compare results. Ideally results (OK/Not OK) in the new and old versions should be the same.

Why we need backtesting? Aren’t regression tests enough? Appears not. We have such tests that checks each step type on our synthetic examples and sometimes they miss bugs which are detected by backtesting. Second issue that can be missed by our tests is backward compatibility of the new versions. Sometimes new versions introduce slight changes in how our steps work and this can result in false positives alerts to our clients which we want to avoid at all costs.

Ideally we would want to test all existing clients’ checks for every new release, but practically this is not possible since there are too much checks and backtesting will take too much time. So we do backtesting only on some randomly selected subset of checks. Question is how many checks we need to backtest to be sure there are no errors?

So our goal is to formalize approach of selecting the number of checks we need to backtest. We want to answer one of the following questions:

  • How much checks we need to backtest to be sure that there is no errors with the certain level of probability or
  • If we test X checks what is the probability that there are no errors

Probability of missing an Error

Let’s calculate probability of missing an error when it is there using simulations


  • N is the total number of checks we have
  • M is the number of checks that have error

We are going to run our backtesting simulation: we will randomly choose elements from our checks and see if there are any broken ones. We run this procedure many times and the calculate ratio of how many times we successfully detected broken checks to the total number of runs. This will be our probability of detecting bugs via backtesting.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# experiment
def simulate(total_checks, num_errors, backtest, num_experiments=10000):
    checks = np.zeros(total_checks)
    checks[:num_errors] = 1  # errors
    errors_detected = 0
    for i in range(num_experiments):
        X = np.random.choice(checks, backtest, replace=False)
        errors_detected += sum(X) != 0

    return errors_detected / num_experiments
N = 2000
M = 1 # 1 means only 1 check fails in new version
backtest_size = 100
simulate(N, M, backtest_size)

So what we have here is the probability of detecting an error running backtest on 100 checks out of 1852 in case there is a single error in all checks.

Let’s see how this probability changes if we increase the number of checks we are backtesting

x = []
y = []
for backtest_size in range(100, 1852, 100):
    y.append(simulate(N, 1, backtest_size))

let’s see it on a graph

plt.plot(x, y)
plt.axhline(y=0.9, color='red', linestyle='--')


So we can see that to catch a single error with probability more than 90% we need to backtest almost all checks.

This was very specific edge case when error occurs only in a single check. In reality when we introduce an error in the new version of software usually many checks got broken. How to estimate?

Our checks consist of a number of steps and each step can be only of a certain type. There are only 26 different step types. Let’s assume we’ve introduced an error only in 1 step and that all steps are uniformly distributes over all checks we have (in reality of course there are popular and less popular steps), then the number of broken checks will be N/26

M = N // 26

Let’s run our simulation again with the new number of failed checks

x = []
y = []
for backtest_size in range(100, N, 100):
    y.append(simulate(N, M, backtest_size, num_experiments=1000))
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.axhline(y=0.95, color='red', linestyle='--')


We see that at 100 checks we have more than 95% probability of detecting a failure, when there is an error on any step that affects all checks. Thinking a bit we realize that this number is also not very practical. There are errors that can affect checks partially. So we need to come up with another condition.

Since we really care about false alarms we can set a reasonable threshold of how many false alarms are acceptable and manageable by our support department. After internal consultations we decided that 1% of false alarms is OK for us. Let see what numbers this gives us.

M = int(N * 0.01)
x = []
y = []
for backtest_size in range(100, N, 100):
    y.append(simulate(N, M, backtest_size, num_experiments=1000))

plt.plot(x, y)
plt.axhline(y=0.95, color='red', linestyle='--')


We see that between 250 and 500 checks we achieve the desired level of confidence. Let’s write a function that can find the number more precisely by running several simulations adjusting backtest size on each iteration to make our probability to be close to the desired confidence value with defined precision

def sample_size_finder(N, M, start=100, confidence=0.95, prescision=0.01, num_experiments=1000, verbose=False):
    delta = 0 - confidence
    prev_delta = delta
    backtest_size = start
    backtest_increase = backtest_size

    while True:
        if verbose:
             print(f'Trying {backtest_size} backtest size, increase={backtest_increase}, delta={delta}')
        prob = simulate(N, M, backtest_size, num_experiments)
        delta = prob - confidence
        if np.abs(delta) <= prescision:
        if delta / prev_delta < 0:
            backtest_increase = int(backtest_increase / 2)
            backtest_increase *= 2
        if delta < 0:
            backtest_size += backtest_increase
            if backtest_size > N:
                backtest_size = N
            backtest_size -= backtest_increase
            if backtest_size < 1:
                backtest_size = 1
        previous_delta = delta
    if verbose:
        print(f'Result prob={prob} with {backtest_size} backtest size, delta={delta}')
    return backtest_size

sample_size_finder(N, M, 100, verbose=True)
Trying 100 backtest size, increase=100, delta=-0.95
Trying 300 backtest size, increase=200, delta=-0.30199999999999994
Trying 200 backtest size, increase=100, delta=0.01100000000000001
Trying 400 backtest size, increase=200, delta=-0.09399999999999997
Trying 300 backtest size, increase=100, delta=0.038000000000000034
Result prob=0.953 with 300 backtest size, delta=0.0030000000000000027


What percent of initial population is it?

300 / M

Let’s explore how backtest size changes when total numbed of checks changes, but the desired percent of failed checks stays constant and equal 1%

import pandas as pd
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count

res = []
args = [(1000, 10)]
for n in range(10000, 110000, 10000):
    m = n // 100

with Pool(cpu_count() - 1) as p:
    samples = p.starmap(sample_size_finder, args)

for s, (n, m) in zip(samples, args):
    res.append([n, s, s/n])

df = pd.DataFrame(res, columns=['Population', 'Sample size', 'Ratio'])

Population Sample size Ratio
0 1000 250 0.250000
1 10000 300 0.030000
2 20000 300 0.015000
3 30000 300 0.010000
4 40000 300 0.007500
5 50000 300 0.006000
6 60000 300 0.005000
7 70000 300 0.004286
8 80000 300 0.003750
9 90000 300 0.003333
10 100000 300 0.003000

Interesting - appears that number of checks we need to test doesn’t changes at all and after 300 checks we can be sure that no more than 1% of total checks can fail.

Now lets keep constant absolute number of checks we allow to fail and see how our sample size changes

import pandas as pd
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count

res = []
args = [(1000, 10)]
for n in range(10000, 110000, 10000):
    m = 20

with Pool(cpu_count() - 1) as p:
    samples = p.starmap(sample_size_finder, args)

for s, (n, m) in zip(samples, args):
    res.append([n, s, s/n])

df = pd.DataFrame(res, columns=['Population', 'Sample size', 'Ratio'])

Population Sample size Ratio
0 1000 250 0.250000
1 10000 1300 0.130000
2 20000 2700 0.135000
3 30000 3900 0.130000
4 40000 5900 0.147500
5 50000 7100 0.142000
6 60000 7900 0.131667
7 70000 9500 0.135714
8 80000 11100 0.138750
9 90000 12700 0.141111
10 100000 13500 0.135000

Let’s look at 1 million checks, how many checks we need to backtest to make sure only 20 can fail, guessing that according with previous result the number should be around 15%

x = []
y = []
for backtest_size in range(10_000, 200_000, 50_000):
    y.append(simulate(1_000_000, 20, backtest_size, num_experiments=1000))

plt.plot(x, y)
plt.axhline(y=0.95, color='red', linestyle='--')


Yes, looks like again we need to test around 15% of the population. Let’s now do a simulation with 20 errors and 15% of backtest sample size for different total checks numbers:

res = []
for n in range(10_000, 100_000, 5000):
    p = simulate(n, 20, int(n*0.15))
    res.append((n, p))
df = pd.DataFrame(res, columns=('N', 'Probability'))

N Probability
0 10000 0.9624
1 15000 0.9653
2 20000 0.9651
3 25000 0.9617
4 30000 0.9575
5 35000 0.9609
6 40000 0.9637
7 45000 0.9582
8 50000 0.9613
9 55000 0.9593
10 60000 0.9595
11 65000 0.9624
12 70000 0.9607
13 75000 0.9607
14 80000 0.9613
15 85000 0.9590
16 90000 0.9622
17 95000 0.9603
res = []
for n in range(100_000, 1_000_000, 100_000):
    p = simulate(n, 20, int(n*0.15))
    res.append((n, p))
df = pd.DataFrame(res, columns=('N', 'Probability'))

N Probability
0 100000 0.9577
1 200000 0.9646
2 300000 0.9621
3 400000 0.9596
4 500000 0.9614
5 600000 0.9643
6 700000 0.9612
7 800000 0.9626
8 900000 0.9601

As we can see 15% of population works good for small and large populations up to 1 million.


With no less than 95% probability we can backtest:

  • 300 checks to be sure than no more than 1% can fail or
  • 15% of total checks to allow no more than 20 checks to fail